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Organizing Source Code Libraries for Deployment

This article details what I believe is the best way to organize your source code libraries in a multi-developer organization.  I do not cover how you need to organize your code within the project, the scope of this is the libraries and environments themselves and the development/release processes that use them.  It is based on my own opinions, and what I have observed being done at many organizations.  Almost every place I have worked at does this slightly differently, but I do believe that what I am about to lay out is a best practice based on my 30+ years of Software Development.


This is the basic arrangement of the Code Library / Environment relationship:

Source Code Library   Usage
Production This is the final release version of the code.
Staging / Integration This is the environment that contains code that is considered a candidate for release.  It is sometimes run in a “Model Office” or “Demo” environment, but the goal is to verify the code works perfectly just as it should in production.  This is where Quality Assurance testing will occur.  This environment should be very stable.
Development This is the base production environment and may contain unstable code.  It is used by developers to verify that their new code works well with the codebase as a whole.


Basic Organization Principals

These are the rules that I recommend:



The primary goal should be to have one source code library for each deployment environment such that at any given moment that environment can be refreshed from its library.  Release to production always originate from the Production library.  Frequent downward merges through the libraries are encouraged in order to detect any merge issues early in the development process.



Traditional Development/Integration/Staging/Production Practice for Software Development

How To: Structure Your Source Control Folders in Team Foundation Server

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